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How do I set up a photo shoot?

Please contact me either through the contact form, or via phone at 619.733.1763


What are your typical availabilities?

Depending on the location and type of shoot, I am flexible both during the work week as well as on the weekend.  I will send you a few options that work with my schedule and you will choose.  


Must I be present for you to shoot my listing?

Not always.  If you strictly need exterior shots only on an occupied/unoccupied building, an address and permission from the owner or property manager is all that is necessary.  Interior shots are typically accompanied with the listing agent.


How soon in advance do I need to schedule the shoot?

While there are many exceptions, I advise a 3-4 day notice to be sure I have an opening, weather permitting.  


Do you shoot twilight/nighttime shots?

Yes, these can definitely be scheduled at an additional cost. 


How long is the turn around time?

Photos will be edited and in your possession within 48 hours post shoot.


How many photos can I expect to receive?  

Though I know you will likely only need 5-7 good photos, expect to receive a minimum of 15.  This number could vary, depending on the attributes of the building or space.


How will I receive my images?

After editing your photos, I will e-mail a link to you with all of your completed images.  Keep in mind this link will only be active for 72 hours, so you must download them all to your desktop within that time frame.  While I will retain the copyrights on these images, you have full permission to download and use on your own marketing material.


What if I delete the link and/or images from my computer - how long do you keep them on file?

No worries!  Real Estate Pic will hold on to your images for 1 year from the date of the shoot -- simply e-mail me and I will create a new link to your shots. 


Is there any information that would increase my odds of getting a photo I really want?

Yes!  First of all, most buildings show best when they don't have cars in front of them (hence the weekend shots).  I say most because in retail shots, some agents prefer to show traffic.  Second, if an interior shot is required, please ask tenant to prep certain areas prior to us arriving.  Tidiness always looks best!  Third, find out if there will be any upcoming improvements to the building or space.  Sometimes it's better to wait until post improvements for a cleaner and more vibrant photo.  Finally, no one likes to look at a building below a grey sky.  While I can work my photoshopping skills to improve if we run out of timing options, I prefer to wait for a sunny sky. 

Tel: 619-733-1763

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